General Observation of HIV/Aids

  • HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) affects the Body Immune System by reducing the WBC’s and CD4 count in the patient by increasing the viral load on his body.

    When immunity decreases the viral load increases, HIV has the potency to create opportunistic infections.

    AIDS is a group of diseases caused by HIV virus. HIV virus attacks mainly on the immune system of the body and decreases immunity.

Benefits of Hope Medicine

  • • Hope medicine supplies proper and sufficient blood and oxygen to every cell and organ of the body.

  • • Every cell gets fully energized so it works properly and boosts body immunity.

  • • Helps to increase CD4 count.

  • • Reduces the viral load.

  • • Helps to reduce weakness.

  • • Increases appetite.

  • • Helps to gain weight.

  • • Helps to gain weight.

  • • Helps to reduce laziness and helps to increase energy and stamina.

  • • Helps to reduce depression and increases confidence.

  • • Reduces wrinkles on face.

  • • If this medicine is taken along with ART, it also increases the CD4 count rapidly.

  • •Improves digestive system.

  • • Helps to recover from Herpes Zoster and other skin problems.

  • • Reduces the side effects of ART treatment.

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